Jaramana camp

Is located southeast Damascus city, 6km, on an area of 8 km2, and falls under Rural Damascus district. Prior the armed conflict, 10,000 persons resided in the Camp. Due to city planning, about 8,722 Camp residents were forced to relocate to other areas in Rural Damascus.

Prior to the Syrian crisis the camp was home to over 18,500 Palestine refugees. During the Syrian crisis, the number of Palestine refugees in the camp and the surrounding area increased to 49,000 due to an influx of displaced Palestine refugees from other areas, including the camp of Yarmouk. As a result, Jaramana has become one of the most densely populated areas of Damascus.

The humanitarian situation inside the camp remained desperate. HHs faced different challenges including limited access to water and power, fuel crisis including shortage of cooking gas, difunctional infrastructure, heightened unemployment, price leap. 50% of HHs need aid distribution. More than 40% of the camp’s residents are unemployed. Almost 70% of the income is spent on food items.

Only 6 schools are available in the camp (all operated by UNRWA), for the whole population, with none offering education to all ages. For High School education, children are forced to attend schools outside the camp. Overcrowding in schools is noted with classes having up to 70 students at time. Less than half of

the teaching staff have the required knowledge and skills for teaching. Almost of 15% of the children are reported to be out school; reasons pertain to the

economic situation primarily, as many children are forced to work for income, early marriage of females, and the low level of education of the parents.

Moreover, over recent years, several civilians, including children, have gone missing in Jaramana Camp. Residents complained the abductions carried out against civilians in the area